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Antigua, Guatemala: Birthdays and Chocolate

Yesterday I got to spend my 23rd birthday in Antigua. Beth and I started our morning with mochas at Refuge Coffee Bar. 

Afterwards we set out to see the beautiful architecture and churches of the city. We had crepes and horchata for lunch and a little siesta back at the hotel. 

Our favorite part of the day was at the Choco Museo. They had a really great tour where we learned how chocolate is made and the different types of recipes for traditional chocolate drinks made by the Mayans and the Spanish. We also got to make our own chocolates and cacao tea. Afterwards, they even gave me a birthday brownie which was so delicious. 

In the evening we went to a few different bars and met people from around the world. Definitely one of the best birthdays I've had! 

Birthday Brownie!

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