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Chichicastenango: New Home

Sorry for the delay on the blog! The wifi in Guatemala was really poor and we were unable to load pictures... and who wants a blog without pictures! I'll just catch us up from where we left off... 

we said goodbye to Hugo and Elbia on Saturday morning and took the two hour drive to chichicastenango. It is a little farther east and a little smaller than Quetzaltenango. It is famous for the biweekly market (Sunday and Thursday) that draws hundreds of tourists to booths manned by Guatemalans from all over the surrounding countryside. 

Sunday morning we went to Mayan ruins of Q'umarkaj. The ruins aren't just a tourist attraction though - locals were performing Mayan ceremonies at the ruins and at the mouth of a nearby cave. We even got to go into the cave and see the tunnel that ran from that old city to another nearby town. We stopped for some Sarita on the way home and then spent the rest of the afternoon in the market! 

In Chichi we stayed at the Hotel del Arco. If anyone reading this ever makes it down to Guatemala, I definitely recommend it! Definitely a little fancier than our dorm style living in Xela! Every night we had a fire in our room, a welcome addition in the chilly mountain weather. 

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