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La Esperanza: Fin de la Semana

Today was our last day in La Esperanza Centro de Salud. I spent the morning doing IVAA and other gynecology. Beth mixed it up with general consults and picking up our extra IVAAs. Thankfully today all of our patients were negative but we were able to do two cryotherapies yesterday. A difficulty we are having here in Xela is lack of access to nitrous oxide which is used for cryotherapy. Apparently the only available gas is in Guatemala City and it would take several days or weeks to get access to it. So the only thing we can do is hope that we have enough to last us in San Francisco, the next site that we will be working at. 

We only worked a half day this morning so after work we did a little supply shopping and then came home for a really delicious lunch. Chicharonnes, carnitas, avocados, helado... so of course Beth and I walked straight downstairs and slept from 430 to 730... and now we're back in bed. Somos muy cansado. 

Hasta luego, Elizabeth

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