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La Esperanza: Primer Dia en la Clinica

Today was our first day in clinic at the Centro de Salud in La Esperanza, a neighborhood of Quetzaltenango. We took an ambulance ride to the clinic with all our supplies and our wonderful translators Shirley and Carmen. 

At the clinic, we are working with medical students from the nearby school. They are extremely knowledgeable and professional and have so much to teach us. We each saw about 15 patients today. It was a pretty easy workload but about half the patients had some complaints that made me feel like I was back in the LBJ emergency room! All in all a good start to our time in clinic. 

After work Beth and I got some much needed exercise running the streets of Xela and around the Parque Central. Not the easiest run but with all the tortillas we are eating it was necessary. 

Hasta luego, Elizabeth

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